A new year has started, new resolutions have been made but what did really change? The idea of a fresh start motivates millions around the globe but only a few will actually make a change and seize the “opportunity” to start again. If you read this article and take the advice I give you, I promise you this will be the last year where you have to start fresh.
One of the most important but also most controversial parts of this article. “Why would you want to be realistic? Reach for the stars …”. If this was your first thought, I’m fully with you. I myself have big goals I want to achieve that might seem unrealistic to some people but that’s not the point. Let me give you an example to illustrate the importance of being realistic.
Let’s assume someones goal is to lose 100lbs. This by itself is a great goal but combined with an unrealistic timeframe it’s nothing but hot air. So make sure your new years resolutions is realistic for you to achieve.
REALISTIC New Years Resolution:
I want to lose 100lbs by 12/31/2021.
Why is it so important to write things down? If you don’t write them down they will remain thoughts and it’s easier to “forget” or abandon them. If you write your goal down you make it a reality. Now you made it harder for yourself to not go after what YOU want. This is your dream / goal and nobody elses. In addition you want to write down HOW you’re going to achieve it. Again, be realistic!
REALISTIC New Years Resolution:
I want to lose 100lbs by 12/31/2021 and I will achieve that by doing X,Y & Z three times per week on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s.
Arguably the second most important part of this article. Why do you want what you want? Because you want it, right? Dig deep and find out why you set a specific goal for yourself. Without a strong WHY you’ll most likely fail. When you embark on a new journey you will face obstacles and problems that seem impossible to solve UNLESS you have your WHY.
Let’s stick to our imanginary person who wants to lose 100lbs in a year. Let’s give that person a name. Bob, his name is Bob. Why does Bob want to lose 100lbs in a year? Maybe because he wants to increase his health to see his grandchildren grow up. Maybe he wants to be more active with his wife, travel the world and go on adventures. Maybe all he wants is to have a sixpack. Maybe he wants to decrease the cost of his health insurance. There are endless reasons to why Bob wants to lose 100lbs.
If Bob knows his WHY, he will have a higher chance of sticking to his New Years Resolution when he faces obstacles along the way. He won’t always be motivated to eat clean or work out, but with his WHY in mind he will remind himself why he started in the first place which will keep him on track.
REALISTIC New Years Resolution:
I want to lose 100lbs by 12/31/2021 and I will achieve that by doing X,Y & Z three times per week on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s because I want to go on more adventures with my wife.
Three easy steps to make 2021 your year. Although I don’t know you, I do know that you searched for this specific topic which tells me you’re determined and motivated enough to achieve your goal. I believe in you and wish you all the best for your journey!